Monday, July 7, 2008

More Photos from Nevada

More pics from my Vegas adventure: Note the totally fake smile as I trudge along (all alone!) on the last leg of the Journey, above. Pic on left is how the landscape actually looked and pic on right is how it felt. Pic center in the third row shows the Cactus 24 hours after finishing (got a little cleaned up), about to go do The Strip. Above that, I'm sightseeing on my last day in Nevada, at Red Rock Canyon, about 20 miles out of Vegas, and below that is a hardy vegetative warrior in the desert, somewhere near Lake Mead.

For more information on the Devil race, see They run a sister race, "Running from an Angel," in January, on the exact same course. Temps are about 50 degrees cooler! People usually have a much easier run and score better finish times (duh!), but do they have more truly delirious fun than at the Devil? Doubtful.

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